Fire Ancillary Products
Paragon Fire and Security Systems can supply a comprehensive range of other high quality and fully conformant Fire Safety Equipment products for emergency situations.
If you have any specific requirements not covered on our website, please get in contact with us.
We are able to offer a whole host of customised products within the following categories:
Fire Fighting Equipment
Specialist range of Stainless Steel Fire Extinguishers.
Storage and Protection
Fire Extinguisher stands, Fire Extinguisher cabinets, Fire Extinguisher mobile trolley units.
Escape Equipment
Portable Fire Escape Ladders.
First Aid Equipment
First aid kits, eye wash kits, burns kits.
Raising the Alarm
Standalone alarms, megaphones and fog horns.
Passive Fire Protection
Range of intumescent products including fire pillows, door seals, air transfer grills.